

Sample 1 - Reverse Chronological Style (freshman or sophomore with high school and college experience)

Local Address: Permanent Address:
6515 Wydown Boulevard, Campus Box 5555 1234 Paragon Street
St. Louis, MO 63105 Pittsburg, PA 15241
(314) 555-5555 (412) 555-5555

Washington University in St. Louis St. Louis, MO
Candidate for Bachelor of Arts, May 2008
Major: Biochemistry Minor: Spanish
Honors and Activities:
􀁺 Dean’s List (Spring 2005)
􀁺 National Society of Collegiate Scholars (Inducted Spring 2005)
􀁺 Lock and Chain Sophomore Honorary, Member (2005-2006)

Alpha Epsilon Delta St. Louis, MO
Member and Chair of the Community Service Committee April 2005 - present
􀁺 Plan monthly health-related volunteer activities for members of the Washington University
pre-health honorary society.
􀁺 Mentor group of seven pre-health students on course selection and other academic and
extracurricular issues.
􀁺 Lead planning meetings for the community service sub-committee.
Grace Hill Soulard Health Clinic St. Louis, MO
Volunteer September - December 2004
􀁺 Interpreted between staff and Spanish-speaking patients.
􀁺 Assisted with office work, patient check-in, administration of health education
information, and phone calls.
Uptown Cafe Pittsburg, PA
Assistant Head Waitress June 2004 - August 2004
􀁺 Trained servers in procedures and customer service skills.
􀁺 Resolved operational and customer service issues.
􀁺 Waited on patrons and attended to their needs.
􀁺 Knowledge of conversational Spanish.
􀁺 Proficient in Microsoft Word, Access, and Photoshop.
Dinesh Reddy
Current Address: 5555 Delmar Boulevard, Apartment 5, St. Louis, MO 63130, (314) 555-5555
Permanent Address: 55 Grand Avenue, Hillsborough, CA 94010, (650) 555-5555
Washington University in St. Louis St. Louis, MO
Bachelor of Arts, expected May 2007
Major: History
Minor: Biology
Honors: Dean’s List Fall 2003, Spring 2004
Alpha Epsilon Pi Fraternity St. Louis, MO
Recycling Chair, Athletics Chair, Member August 2003 - present
Started recycling program within the fraternity house. Provide information for brothers
about recycling activities. Direct all fraternity sports and share resources about upcoming
sports opportunities.
Washington University Psychobiology of Health Laboratory St. Louis, MO
Research Assistant August 2004 - present
Interview subjects and parents for Adolescent Stress and Health Study. Operate EKG,
heart rate and blood pressure machines to collect physiological data. Centrifuge and assay
samples for depression study.
Student Admissions Committee St. Louis, MO
Tour Guide August 2004 - May 2005
Facilitated tours of the Washington University campus for prospective students and parents.
The Phoenix Group, Inc. Hillsborough, CA
Office Coordinator May 2003 - July 2003
Provided customer service to all clients, including answering phone calls, taking messages,
and filing paperwork and contracts.
Computer: Proficient in Microsoft Word, Excel, and Netscape Communicator
Language: Fluent in Japanese
Sample 2 - Reverse Chronological style (student with on-campus experience seeking internship)
Maria Lopez
(314) 555-5555
Local Address: 5555 Delmar Boulevard, Apartment 408, St. Louis, MO 63130
Permanent Address: 5 Grove Drive, Rose, NJ 07450
EDUCATION Washington University in St. Louis
Bachelor of Arts Candidate, May 2007
Majors: Social Thought and Analysis, Math
Minor: Painting
Cumulative GPA: 3.52/4.0
Washington University Praxis Program (August 2004 - present)
Focus on business skills for liberal arts students.
HONORS AND Washington University Danforth Scholar (2003 - present)
ACTIVITIES Kappa Kappa Gamma Fraternity (2003 - present)
Dance Marathon (January - May 2004)
EXPERIENCE Risk Management Intern (May - August 2005)
􀁺 Researched compliance issues integral to major U.S. bank operations.
􀁺 Documented transportation routes around a Key hub and its four satellites for an Urban
Check-Cashing Pilot to allow compliance with the Community Reinvestment Act.
􀁺 Completed an anti-money laundering training course.
􀁺 Assisted with administrative duties as needed.
American Red Cross, St. Louis Chapter, St. Louis, MO
Intern, Communication and Public Affairs Department (January - May 2004)
􀁺 Researched, wrote, and edited articles for quarterly magazine and official Web site.
􀁺 Conducted interviews, gathered information, and wrote summaries for monthly
volunteer newsletter.
LEADERSHIP Phi Lambda Psi, Women's Health and Wellness Honorary, St. Louis, MO
AND SERVICE Secretary (Fall 2003 - present)
EXPERIENCE 􀁺 Co-direct an AIDS Awareness Initiative on campus and designed flyers and promotional
materials for the event.
􀁺 Manage communication during meetings and update members about events.
Each One Teach One, St. Louis, MO
Tutor (January 2003 - present)
􀁺 Tutor elementary-aged children in math and English on an individual basis once per week.
􀁺 Document progress of each student for program administrators and teachers.
Committee Organized for Rape Education, St. Louis, MO
Trained Facilitator and Educator (October 2003 - December 2004)
􀁺 Worked with other facilitators and educators to plan a freshmen orientation program.
􀁺 Organized outreach programs with eight local high schools.
SKILLS Computer: Proficient in MS Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, and Photoshop
Language: Familiar with Italian
Sample 3 - Reverse Chronological style (student with on-campus and
internship experience seeking internship in business)
Current Address: 5555 Delmar Boulevard, Apartment 5, St. Louis, MO 63130, (314) 555-5555
Permanent Address: 55 North Grand Avenue, Portland, OR 97229, (503) 555-5555
Washington University in St. Louis St. Louis, MO
Bachelor of Arts, May 2006
Major: English Minor: Psychology
Honors and Awards:
McNair Scholar, 2003
Dean’s List, 5 semesters
Lock and Chain Sophomore Honorary, 2003
University of Queensland Brisbane, Australia
Spring Semester 2004
Focus: Environmental Studies and immersion in Australian culture
Interdisciplinary Environmental Law Clinic St. Louis, MO
Student Consultant August 2004 - present
Work with student attorneys to provide legal and technical assistance on environmental and community
health problems to individuals and organizations.
Joe Brown’s Campaign to the U.S. Senate Portland, OR
Intern May 2004 - August 2004
Gathered information, maintained a database, wrote letters, participated in organizing conferences, and
represented the candidate in various situations. Participated in fundraising events and personally raised
$10,000 through telephone pledges and door-knocking activities.
Office of Judicial Affairs St. Louis, MO
Board Member of Conduct Council October 2002 - May 2003
Appointed by the Director of Judicial Affairs and the Dean of Students to participate in four hearings for the
resolution of complaints against students. Created and enforced academic and social sanctions against
students who violated the Code of Conduct.
College of Arts and Sciences St. Louis, MO
Peer Advisor May 2002 - May 2003
Assisted 10 freshmen with transition to the university environment. Organized weekly educational and social
meetings to encourage student interaction. Helped students with class selection and registration.
Collaborated with University staff person to support students.
Bath & Body Works Boston, MA
Sales Assistant May 2002 - August 2002
Provided excellent customer service to a diverse clientele in busy shopping district in downtown Boston.
Counted inventory, ran cash register and helped arrange product displays.
Computer: Proficient in Microsoft Word, Excel, and Netscape Communicator
Language: Proficient in Spanish
Sample 4 - Reverse Chronological style (student with on-campus, part-time job and internship
experience applying for post-graduate transitional program in student conservation or advocacy)
Benjamin Nguyen
5555 Tulane Avenue, Apartment G (314) 555-1234 (home)
St. Louis, MO 63130 (813) 555-5555 (cell)
Washington University in St. Louis St. Louis, MO
Bachelor of Arts Candidate, May 2006
Majors: Psychology and Spanish
Minor: Drama
The Children’s Theatre Boston, MA
Intern June - August 2005
Worked with Senior Set Designers to conceptualize and build the sets for four shows. Designed, sewed
and altered costumes for 10 actors. Transported actors, ordered meals and inventoried supplies.
Washington University Edison Theatre St. Louis, MO
Intern May - August 2004
Managed theatre box office operations during peak hours including opening and closing the office, handling
a high volume of phone inquiries and overseeing the sale of tickets. Booked performances, wrote content for
programs and maintained calendar.
Washington University Performing Arts Department St. Louis, MO
Office Assistant September 2004 - May 2005
Created and implemented a new office filing system that increased efficiency by 20%. Developed and
updated multiple departmental databases.
Boston Visitor’s Bureau Boston, MA
Visitor Center Associate May - August 2003
Assembled, organized and mailed visitors packets to over 500 prospective tourists. Selected July Associate
of the Month for providing superior customer service. Greeted tourists and promoted merchandise sales.
American Heart Association, Department Assistant (November 2004 - present)
Association of Latin American Students Publicity Committee Co-Chair (September 2003 - present)
Fluent in Spanish. Familiar with French.
Traveled throughout South America, including Chile, Argentina, Brazil and Venezuela.
Sample 5 - Reverse Chronological style (student with on-campus, community service and internship
experience seeking full-time position as manager of multi-cultural theatre troupe)
Corey Johnson
(314) 555-5555
Local Address: 6515 Wydown Boulevard, Campus Box 4100, St. Louis, MO 63105
Permanent Address: 1334 Hall Street, Chicago, IL 65807
Washington University in St. Louis, Bachelor of Arts Candidate, May 2006
Major: Anthropology
Minor: African and Afro-American Studies
Washington University Summer Program in Kenya, Summer 2005
Focus: full immersion into language and culture through projects, lecture and excursions
Community Relations Skills
􀁺 Created and executed web-based marketing strategies such as brochures, newsletters and fliers.
􀁺 Collaborated with technology team to design and maintain Web site.
􀁺 Recruited community center directors to participate in outreach programs.
􀁺 Represented organization at community expos, conferences and fairs.
Fundraising Skills
􀁺 Assisted Development Director with writing and editing three grants and two proposals for funding.
􀁺 Researched philanthropic organizations to develop a prospective donor target list.
􀁺 Raised $2,000 for literacy programs at the family courts by organizing product sales and fundraising drives.
Event Planning Skills
􀁺 Worked with Education Director to coordinate overall summer outreach programs.
􀁺 Provided logistical support for youth club events such as making reservations, securing space and
corresponding with club members.
􀁺 Co-organized alternative spring break trip to Dominican Republic for 25 students.
Administrative Assistant, Boys & Girls Club, Chicago, IL (June 2005-August 2005)
Technology Assistant, Procter & Gamble, Chicago, IL (May 2003-August 2003)
Service Chairperson, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Washington University, St. Louis, MO (January 2003-present)
Member, Visions Gospel Choir, Washington University, St. Louis, MO (November 2003-December 2004)
Volunteer, Alternative Spring Break, Campus Y, St. Louis, MO (September 2004-May 2005)
Sample 6 - Functional style (student seeking full-time position in development for a nonprofit organization)
1234 College Avenue
St. Louis, MO 63107
Experienced junior level Mechanical Engineering student with proven design, problem-solving, CAD and interpersonal skills
seeks an internship position in a promising mechanical, biomedical, or aeronautical engineering firm.
Washington University in St. Louis
Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering
Minors: Aerospace Engineering, Economics
Graduation expected: May 2006
3.75/4.0 Cumulative GPA
Microflight Corporation St. Louis, MO
Research Assistant, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles September 2005 - Present
􀁺 Constructed micro-sized unmanned aerial vehicles for high-altitude research
􀁺 Tested UAVs for stability, controllability, and payload-carrying capacity in low- and high-altitude environments
􀁺 Supervised the requisition of various materials for the UAV and other projects
St. Jude Medical, Cardiac Rhythm Management Los Angeles, CA
Cooperative Education Employee, Mechanical Development January - July 2005
􀁺 Designed and refined components of cardiac rhythm management devices using ProEngineer
􀁺 Redesigned implantable defibrillator electrical tests to significantly improve efficiency and effectiveness
􀁺 Submitted an invention disclosure of a power supply designed for use in cardiac rhythm management devices
􀁺 Created tooling, test fixtures and plans to assemble and test device components; obtained and evaluated results
􀁺 Collaborated with other engineers to solve problems and generate new ideas for future devices
􀁺 Documented device drawings and specifications to maintain FDA compliance
􀁺 Managed and supervised use of equipment in St. Jude Medical’s mechanical lab
Thayer Aerospace - St. Louis St. Louis, MO
Engineering Intern June 2003 - May 2004
􀁺 Researched methods to improve efficiency - completed time and cost studies, submitted proposals to all levels of
the company, and completed several six sigma projects
􀁺 Corresponded with vendors to design and obtain metal chip containment systems for machines
􀁺 Reproduced complete plant layout in CAD software; designed ideal future plant layout
􀁺 Relocated machines to provide space for new $1 million high-speed 5-axis milling machine
Engineering Instruction St. Louis, MO
􀁺 Teaching assistant for National Science Foundation’s GK-12 middle school engineering program Fall 2004
􀁺 Tutor for Engineering Mechanics I (Statics) and Engineering Mechanics II (Dynamics) Fall 2002
Software: ProE Wildfire, ProE Intralink, AutoCAD, SolidEdge, iMan, Matlab, C++, MS Office, MS Windows
Tools: CNC laser, lathe, and router experience; various electrical and mechanical test equipment
Projects: Micro-satellite structure design, radio controlled airplane construction and piloting, automotive maintenance
Member of Pi Tau Sigma Engineering Society (2002 - present)
Dean’s Honorary Engineering Scholarship (2003 - present)
Marion Foster Scholarship (2003 - present)
Winner of Introduction to Engineering Design contest (2004)
Sample 7 - Technical style (student seeking an internship)
21 Smith Lane
Carl, NY 14168
Technical Courses
Statics, Dynamics, Deformable Bodies, Materials Science,
Fluid Mechanics, Thermodynamics, Technical Writing, Heat
Transfer, Energetics, Aerodynamics, Mechanical Design,
Vibrations, Aerospace Structures
Campus Crusade for Christ (Bible study leader, worship
team leader) (2002 - present)
Residential College Council - Dorm Rep. (2002-2003)
Work Camp (similar to Habitat for Humanity) (2004)
Scott G. Siebers 123 Westwind Dr ive
St. Louis, MO 63105 (314) 555-5555
Honors Computer Engineering candidate, with experience in software, embedded systems and hardware seeks a
position in a related engineering field. Special interests include telecommunications, switch design, network protocols,
and wireless. Willing to relocate and travel. Available June 2006.
Washington University in St. Louis St. Louis, MO
Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering, expected May 2006 GPA 3.98 / 4.0
Advanced Coursework:
Digital Systems Engineering
Multimedia Computing & Networking
Switching Theory
Digital IC Design & Architecture
Computer Systems Architecture 1 & 2
Computer Systems Analysis
Reconfigurable System-On-Chip Design
Digital Systems Lab
Embedded Computing Systems
Programming Languages: Java, C/C++, Matlab, Assembly (IA-32, 68000, AVR & IXA), UML, Scheme
Hardware Design: VHDL, ModelSim, Synplicity, Xilinx Tools, HSPICE
OS / Applications: Windows (9X, NT, XP), Unix / Linux, OS X, Solaris, CVS, MS Office Suite
Singulex, Inc. St. Louis, MO
Engineering Intern June 2005 - Present
􀁺 Developed custom Matlab software package for emerging Single Molecule Detection instrument,
including instrument control, data capture and data analysis capabilities
􀁺 Rewrote instrument firmware to improve functionality and maintainability
􀁺 Debugged and tested instrument electronics board and other critical control systems
􀁺 Participated in instrument design reviews to help improve future hardware and software
Media & Machines Lab, Washington University in St. Louis St. Louis, MO
Computer Vision Research Assistant May 2003 - September 2004
􀁺 Researched dynamic background models for independent motion segmentation
􀁺 Analyzed effectiveness of point localization patterns for high-accuracy visual measurement
􀁺 Summarized key results and methodologies in preparation for publication
􀁺 Evaluated research publications for relevance to our work
Blue Heron Paper Co. Oregon City, OR
Information Technology Intern Summer 2002
􀁺 Provided computer hardware, software, and network support
􀁺 Assisted in implementation of an IP-based phone system by performing system configuration tasks and running
employee training sessions
􀁺 Aided in upgrading individual workstations and network infrastructure
􀁺 Created improved documentation for software installation tasks
􀁺 “Evaluation of Local Models of Dynamic Backgrounds,” Robert Pless, John Larson, Scott Siebers, and Ben
Westover, Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, vol. II, pp. 73-78, June 2003.
􀁺 “Better Background Models for Visual Surveillance,” Robert Pless, Scott Siebers, and Ben Westover, Optical
Society of America; Optical Sensing for Homeland Security: A User-Driven Forum, February 2003.
􀁺 Tau Beta Pi - The Engineering Honor Society (2002 - present)
􀁺 Washington University Varsity Soccer (NCAA), Academic All-Conference & All-District (2002 - present)
􀁺 Outstanding Computer Engineering Senior Award (2005)
􀁺 Award of Merit in Technical Communication (2004)
􀁺 Dean’s Honorary Scholarship, Dean’s List all semesters
Sample 8 - Technical style (student seeking full-time position)
Software Engineering Workshop
Algorithms & Data Structures
Operating Systems
Protocols for Computer Networks
Programming Systems & Languages
Object Oriented Software Development Lab
Engineering Electromagnetics
Technical Communications
Awards &
Cover Letter Format
Your Full Street Address (no abbreviations)
City, State Zip
Month Day, Year
Contact’s Name
Contact’s Full Title
Organization’s Name
Organization’s Full Street Address (no abbreviations)
City, State Zip
Opening Paragraph: In the first sentence, state why you are writing and/or the position or type of work for which you are
applying. State how you heard of the opening or organization, including the name of your reference person, if applicable. The
last line should give a brief synopsis of who you are and what you can contribute to the organization or position. A good way
to do this is to indicate the top two or three skills that make you a great fit for the position. The first paragraph should be three
to four sentences.
Middle Paragraph(s): Explain why you are interested in working for the employer by demonstrating your knowledge of the
organization, and tell the employer how you will perform in your desired position based on concrete references to your previous
accomplishments. Think from the employer’s point of view as you write. How are you a good fit for the organization?
Enhance your resume by connecting the dots between what the employer wants and how your past experience will enable you to
fill his/her needs. When appropriate, talk about the results of your past responsibilities. Write with concise, confident
statements. Remember that this letter will serve as a writing sample. If this paragraph starts to get long, split it into two short
paragraphs to make them easier to absorb.
Closing Paragraph: Indicate that you would like to talk with the employer in person to further discuss the opportunity. Give
your phone number and email address (no hyperlink) in case they would like to contact you for further information. State your
planned next steps, such as calling to ensure that your application materials have been received. Close by thanking the person for
his/her time and consideration.
(leave room to sign your name in black ink if you are mailing or hand-delivering the letter)
Type your name
Enclosure (this indicates your resume is enclosed in the envelope; you do not need to add for emailed documents.)
Internship Application Letter (student interested in internship at an advertising agency)
Campus Box 3128
6515 Wydown Boulevard
St. Louis, MO 63105
February 22, 2006
Mr. Andrew Dugan
President & Chief Operating Officer
Allen & Holman
85 School Street
Watertown, MA 02472
Dear Mr. Dugan:
I am writing to apply for the summer Graphic Design Internship position that I heard about from my uncle, Mr. Louis Williams. I
am excited by your award-winning work and I believe my creative style, successful work with clients, and extensive work in
layout makes me an excellent fit for your agency. My ability to contribute to your projects and desire to learn from this
experience make me an enthusiastic applicant.
As a student at Washington University in St. Louis, I am studying design and photography. My course background includes work in
two-dimensional design, three-dimensional design, drawing, photography, and typography. My skills have developed both in the classroom
and in my work with student organizations. I created fliers that were distributed across campus and the surrounding area and
designed logos for two student clubs. My experience working with clients to understand their needs and fulfill them through design
has been an excellent opportunity for growth. I am confident that my project management skills will benefit my work in the internship
position at Allen & Holman.
I look forward to speaking with you to discuss my qualifications and the possibility of an interview. Please feel free to contact me at
(314) 333-9090 or if you have additional questions. However, I will call you in two weeks to learn about the
next steps in the application process. Thank you very much, and I look forward to speaking with you soon.
Jeremy Williams
Jeremy Williams
Prospecting Letter (student inquiring about job possibilities in an environmental advocacy organization)
3001 South Providence Road
St. Louis, MO 63021
September 15, 2005
Sandra Wilshire
Director, Human Resources
Sierra Club
111 Market Street
Chicago, IL 55555
Dear Ms. Wilshire:
Jamal Smith recommended I write you regarding job possibilities at the Chicago Chapter of the Sierra Club. I will graduate from
Washington University in St. Louis in May 2006 with a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science, a minor in Biology, and a strong interest
in environmental advocacy. The work of the Sierra Club is inspiring to me on a number of levels, including your
connections with the League of Conservation Voters and Vote Watch activities.
In addition to my coursework in Political Science and Biology, my background includes two internships and involvement in a number
of student activities concerning environmental issues. Please see the enclosed resume for a summary of these experiences. The accomplishment
of which I am most proud is founding Verde, a program that empowers Washington University students to teach elementary
aged children about environmental issues. Verde’s volunteer teacher base has grown by 300 percent in its first two years, and has
reached approximately 60 children. Developing and growing this program has demonstrated my organizational and writing skills, as
well as my ability to work collaboratively with various parties.
I will be in Chicago during the week of October 19-22, and would welcome the opportunity to talk with you in person to learn more
about the Sierra Club and your future plans. I will contact you in the next two weeks in the hopes of scheduling a time to meet.
Feel free to contact me if I can provide any additional information. I can be reached at (314) 444-5555 or
I look forward to talking with you.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Lana Gilman
Lana Gilman
Job Application Letter (student applying for a full-time research consulting position)
5555 Delmar Boulevard, Apartment 5
St. Louis, MO 63130
February 10, 2006
Jennifer Stonebraker
Director of Talent Sourcing
301 South 68th Street Place
Lincoln, NE 68510
Dear Ms. Stonebraker:
Please accept my application materials to join the Emerging Leader – Associate Consultant program with the Gallup Organization in
Washington, D.C. I learned about this opportunity from the Washington University Career Center Web site. My strong strategic conceptualization
skills, ability to establish and maintain long-term working alliances, and desire to be a life-long learner would allow me
to support Gallup’s goal of providing cutting-edge employee and organizational performance development.
Gallup’s research-based model of identifying and strengthening employee and customer engagement strategies is extraordinarily critical
in today’s dynamic world of work. As an intern with the American Civil Liberties Union, I learned the importance of responding
quickly to clients’ needs, as well as how to develop a positive working relationship with a diverse clientele. While serving as the vice
president of my sorority, I managed the process of identifying and coordinating a new philanthropy effort for our chapter. As the
leader of this process, I discovered how to strategically consider an issue, identify different possible solutions to the problem, and
gain support from different constituencies. My experiences demonstrate my ability to contribute and
produce as a team-player, qualities that would enable me to add value to the Emerging Leader – Associate Consultant program.
It would be a pleasure to discuss with you further your desired qualities for this position. Please do not hesitate to contact me at
(314) 555-5555 or at, if I may answer any additional questions for you. I will follow-up with you in the near future
to discuss the opportunity. In the meantime, thank you for your consideration. I look forward to talking with you soon.
Allison Shaw
Allison Shaw